Tobias-Adams Landing

Built in 1820 by Solon Tobias.  This is located at Adams's Landing in the northwest section of Grand Isle.   Tobias built a wharf  in 1828 to accommodate  steamboats.  The basement served as a store.  The house and landing went through several descendants of Solon Tobias. By 1884 , it was owned by Maria Tobias and her husband, Edwin Adams.  Maria began taking in summer boarders who could arrive by steamship.  The "Adams Landing" home became  well-known as "Arbor Vitae",   Descendants continued to run the store and landing until 1939.  The property also served as a working farm and sat idle for a number of years after 1942 as it no longer had a barn.  Eventually, Herbert Riegelman purchased the house.  It has changed hands since then , but is well preserved.